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이번 주 에픽게임즈 무료 게임은 Carcassonne 과 Ticket to Ride. [ Carcassonne ] Carcassonne The official adaptation of the famous board game Carcassonne! A modern classic tile-placement game based on the award wining game in which the players draw and place a tile with a piece of southern French landscape on it. The player can then decide to plac www.epicgames.com [ Ticket to Ride ] Ticket To Ride - CONNECT MOR..

이번 주 에픽게임즈의 무료 게임 Farming Simulator 19 https://www.epicgames.com/store/ko/product/farming-simulator-19/home Farming Simulator 19 The ultimate farming simulation returns with a complete graphics overhaul and the most complete farming experience ever! Become a modern farmer and develop your farm on two huge American and European environments, filled with exciting new farming activitie www.epicgame..